We recently went on a drive to look at the beautiful colors around Table Rock State Park. It was so beautiful and very peaceful. We love this beautiful land where we live.
My family has recently moved outside Charleston, SC. We had a lot of adjusting to do. My school mentor suggested that I take the summer off of school so I could just focus on the family and all that was scheduled to go down this summer. Me knowing it would be hard to pick up after not doing school during the summer decided to keep going. I'm glad I did, I am now four classes closer to graduating. The last month before my term was to end was a mad dash to get it all completed... I still had three classes to finish. But my wonderful in-laws helped watch the kids so i could have some major time to study and do the required work to pass the three remaining classes. I was able to complete them with a week and a half to spare. That was close. I know I need to be better about scheduling dedicated time to study on a regular basis so i won't be cutting it so close next time.
Plus I'll be able to hopefully complete more classes, so I can finish sooner. We shall see how it all shakes out in another 6 months. I'd love to finish 8 classes in the next term however only 4 are required. We will see if i'm as dedicated as I should be. This next two terms are going to be very math heavy with lots of accounting classes. I'll definitely need to give myself time to complete them.
With halloween tomorrow and the littles super excited to wear their costumes all day and get candy. I think back to my older boys when they were little and how much they loved halloween. All of their homemade costumes and a few store bough costumes. Lots of candy and excitement around the holiday. I miss having the older crew share in the holiday. They are "too old" for trick or treating. Bryen works and lives in WV, so i doubt he's going trick or treating, Braeden and Mikey will probably be working unless I can convince them to pass out candy at our house. With our neighborhood only having 14 homes currently, we are doubtful we will even get trick or treaters. We will see. We will be going to a different neighborhood nearby for our trick or treating.
Braeden turned 19!!! When did I get so old!? Braeden did not go to college this fall. He decided to have the military pay for college, but recently as of this week is thinking twice about that. He's working full time while doing Military PT twice a week. He spend some time in WV visiting friends and his brother. That might have changed his mind about the military. We will see.
Aimee is finally potty trained... she has a few accidents every now and again, but I'm definitely grateful to only have to really worry about pull-ups at bedtime. She loves playing dress-up and using her imagination with Andy.

Andy is such a big boy, he is starting to write his name and can match numbers. He's learning lots of big things but reverts to baby talk and wants to be a baby a lot. It's understandable because so many changes have happened,

We love all of our children and pray for them daily. We've had lots of comings and goings this summer and fall. Braeden has come and gone a couple times, Mikey went and came a couple times, Bryen has visited a few times (I wish it was more often), My in-laws have stayed a few weeks at a time a couple times, which we enjoy greatly. We've had the pleasure of seeing my sister-in-law twice as well, where one time she stayed with us a couple of days. We love visitors!
Bill is working and traveling a lot these days and we miss him while he is away. We try to go to the beach whenever we can. We are slowly making our house a home. Helping our kids with financial issues seems to take up house beautification monies. We will eventually have this place the way we want it. We are grateful for Bill's job and my ability to stay home. I would love to work outside the home but it just isn't in the cards right now.

Making friends is slow going for the littles and bigs... even mom and dad. Its hard going to a new area where you don't know anyone. Its isolating at times and I have a fear of being too needy of a friend. I know I tend to smother and want a lot of friend time. So I have been reluctant to reach out to others. I try and meet new neighbors as they move in or shortly after. Not many have younger kids, which is fine. I'm glad Aimee and Andy are friends with each other. I just feel lonely, which is hard for me.
As we are coming into the major holiday season I will be focusing on the Savior and his love for us. For Jesus' birth and to be thankful for our many, many blessings. May you find the Lord's hand and blessings in your life. God Bless and keep you.