I was looking for baked tilapia ideas online and came across a video for valentines heart brownies. I watched it and thought "boy that looks WAY too easy"... Well, they looked so good I wanted to try my hand at them. Especially, since I am providing food for a little party with 6 8-9 yr old kids on Friday afternoon. What would be better than cute little chocolate heart brownies. So I decided I would test the idea and see how well it worked. I quickly realized I didn't have any heart cookie cutters, but I had a star. I will be purchasing a heart cookie cutter on Friday so this will work. But for the testing it didn't necessarily need to be a heart. Therefore, I made "Your a STAR, Valentine" brownies instead. You can use what ever you have...
1 box family size brownie mix
egg and oil, required for brownie mix
1 prepackaged chocolate frosting
1 prepackaged white/vanilla frosting mix (strawberry would work as well)
red food coloring(only if using white frosting)
Cookie cutter of choice - heart, star, bell, whatever works
Cooling rack over parchment paper, wax paper or foil
In a 13X9X2 baking dish line with foil, and spray with cooking spray. Set aside. Mix brownie mix together, pour brownie mix in the pan and bake according to package directions.
Remove from oven and let cool completely.
Once cooled completely, pull brownies out of the pan by the foil. Lay flat. Then spray the cookie cutter with cooking spray and cut out shapes in the brownie, using the cookie cutter. Place cut out brownie and place on a cookie cooling rack that is placed on parchment paper to catch the drips from the frosting. (easier cleanup).
In a small bowl, put the chocolate frosting and melt in the microwave at 10 second intervals, to melt it but not boil it.
Once the chocolate frosting is melted, stir and spoon on top of the brownie cutouts which are on the cooling rack. It will create a nice chocolate glaze on the top. (do all brownies in the chocolate first.)
Then just as with the chocolate frosting repeat with the white frosting in a separate bowl, microwave at 10 second intervals to melt the frosting. then add 1-2 drops of red food coloring to make it pink.
With a fork, dip it into the pink frosting and drizzle on top of the brownie cutouts.
You can also add sprinkles or other fancy toppings to this as you desire.
Let set about 5-10 min for the frosting to set, then remove from the cooling rack onto serving platter. Enjoy.
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