Thursday, November 8, 2018

Cinnamon Rolls and Chocolate chip cookies

Today we are making cinnamon rolls and chocolate chip cookies. I'm using the recipe from Pinterest that looks amazing and makes a ton for cinnamon rolls so we can share with our friends. I found the recipe here. I am not going to use raisins... those should never be in cinnamon rolls or even bread pudding... I could go into a whole diatribe about that... but I digress... not going to go there today. So that is one thing that will definitely be changed from the original recipe. I am not quite sure but I also love to add not just white sugar to my cinnamon rolls but also cinnamon chips and brown sugar. We will be also making a cream cheese frosting for the top of these delicious nuggets of goodness. I am grateful to be able to have a friend come and make these with me. It will also be a homeschooling lesson for science for my 15 yr old. I've taught my older two sons to make pretzels and bread from scratch. So we are doing cinnamon rolls for this son. This way all of my older three sons will know how to make something with yeast and learn that powerful lesson of how all things are alive... even the bread we make.

My chocolate chip cookie recipe will be from my Better Homes and Garden cookbook Limited Edition 1930-2000. I love a good Chocolate Chip cookie. I also believe whole heartedly they should have butter and shortening. Not many recipes call for both. So it's hard to find those that call for both. They make a far superior cookie. I double the recipe. I will be listing the ingredients doubled here.

Chocolate Chip Cookies:

1 cup shortening
1 cup butter (I use salted)
1 cup granulated sugar
2 cups packed brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
4 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
5 cups unbleached flour
2 pkg semi sweet chocolate chip pieces

1. In a large mixing bowl (I use my kitchen aid) beat the shortening and butter with an electric mixer on medium to high speed for 30 seconds. Add granulated sugar, brown sugar, and baking soda. Beat mixture until combined, scraping sides of the bowl occasionally. Beat in the egg and vanilla til combined. Beat in as much of the flour as you can with the mixture. Stir in remaining flour. Stir in chocolate chips.

2. Drop dough by rounded teaspoons or an ice-cream scoop about 2 inches apart on uncreased cookie sheet or parchment paper. Bake 375F degrees oven 8-10 min till edges are lightly browned. Let sit for a bout 30 seconds to 1 min before removing from pan. Transfer to wire rack or wax paper and let cool. Makes about 120 cookies... I use a large scoop. So makes about 60.

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